We would like to introduce the Environmental Business Alliance of Tacoma-Pierce County (EB Alliance)!
Vernon Court Reporters is a member, and our own Adrienne Vernon is a member of the EB Alliance Steering Committee.
The EB Alliance was formed as a partnership between the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber, Citizens for a Healthy Bay, Go Local, and the City of Tacoma that helps Pierce County businesses improve their environmental performance and increase their profitability. The Alliance provides businesses with access to resources and information about environmentally sustainable practices.
You too can join! Check out the steps to join the EB Alliance here.
There are many benefits of joining, including:
- Education and networking opportunities, business to business forums on strategies and expert advice on sustainability practices.
- Identify and implement strategies to improve your environmental performance
- Share your environmental initiatives and accomplishments
- Help the environment
- Enhance your community
- Increase profitability
- Be recognized as an invested & committed business leader in the community
This is a great partnership that we are happy to be a part of, and we are excited to see the impact on our community!